Providing for

Caring for




Learn our Story

How we started, and an introduction to our all-volunteer team.

Ways You Can Help

Give, Serve, Pray or Connect. You help make a difference!

Sharing the Gospel

Bringing Good News, Hope and Practical Care to those we serve.


Our Ministries

Grace Fields

Grace Fields is a licensed rescue, safety and recovery home for girls who have been rescued from the trafficking trade.

Grace Fields

In a rural countryside over two hours from Phnom Penh, at this writing, nine young girls are being given the opportunity to find redemption and freedom. Freedom from horrible abuse and enslavement. The Lydia Project provides the resources for this new project, Grace Fields...
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Ministry to Widows

Over 100 widows (plus disabled individuals and extremely poor families) receive enough rice to sustain them.

Ministry to Widows

In most cases we are their sole source of food, as there is no social safety net for these women. Our churches, pastors and leaders provide more than food…they bring love, encouragement, joy and support in every way possible.
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Jesus School

This village is home to over 250 elementary age children. The children work alongside their parents, beginning at age 3 or 4, scavenging the dump for plastic, cardboard, and tin to sell for recycling money.

Jesus School

Broken hearted by what they saw… the children… laboring, dirty, hungry, and with no opportunity to attend school or have security of meals or clean water, a couple who today serve as Lydia Project in country leaders, worked to construct a school and small compound beside the village...
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University House

Providing housing, food, tuition assistance and a caring couple who serve as house parents for nearly two dozen students in residence.

University House

These students perform at the top levels in their classroom work, while helping in the community and in ministry. Our graduates, who now number over 75 are finding careers in business, government, non-profits, and ministry, with many returning to their villages to create lasting change...
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Melody House

Melody House, the Lydia Project’s new home for Widows, providing a home for up to 20 women.

Melody House

Thanks to the deep generosity of many of you, the lives of these women, will never be the same. Nutritional food, medical care, fellowship, friendship, beautiful rooms, new beds, air conditioning and most of all a family to love and care for them.
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Pastors and Churches

Over 40 churches and cell groups planted by a network of over 20 Pastors supported by the Lydia Project.

Pastors and Churches

Bringing a message of hope into places that have not had a Christian presence. Providing a place of gathering, worship, study and support, new believers are able to develop in their faith. The churches then reach out to the children, the widows and those that need assistance...
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Sunrise House

A home for children providing 100% of the support for nearly 40 children, ages 4-19.

Sunrise House

Including food, clothing, medical care, education, housing, and all other needs as they arise. Sunrise House receives no other support from any other organization, and the generous help of individuals like you make continues to make the difference.
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Created by a group of pastors who looked across Cambodia and realized there was a desperate need. The School of Discipleship currently has over 80 pastors in training in five locations.

School of Discipleship 

The School of Discipleship hopes to help in reaching the goal of communities of faith in all 10,000 villages of Cambodia that do not have a presence of believers today. To date, over 250 new groups are meeting regularly, started by SOD graduates...
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The Grace Fields Story

Grace Fields is a licensed rescue, safety and recovery home for girls who have been rescued from the trafficking trade. With the help of our key leaders as well as trained counselors and professionals in this field of rehabilitation, a team has been assembled to care for these precious young people.

Sadly, trafficking remains a difficult problem for Cambodia, Grace Fields provides a place of hope.

You make a difference

How to Get Involved

Connect with Us

Request the newsletter or send us an email.

Support Lydia Project

Help us empower leaders in Cambodia through funding.

Make an Impact

See the impact your support has in the lives of pastors, widows, and orphans.


The Jesus School

Change Communities

A Devastating History

The Communist regime in Cambodia killed more than 2 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1979. In all, 1/3 of the population was killed and only about 200 Christians were left in the country. There isn’t a family that doesn’t still remember the devastation of this time in their history.

This left a culture where…

  1. Families were torn apart leaving a broken family structure.
  2. There is a lack of leaders equipped for effective service.
  3. People are dealing with hopelessness that has led to alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling.

We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ can heal the people of Cambodia and bring a new hope.

Supporting Pastors and Caring
for Widows and Orphans In Cambodia


You Matter

When you become part of the Lydia Project, you are joining a group of people committed to making an impact and connecting to the people of Cambodia. Each project is transforming lives and communities.

We know you don’t want to just give money, you want to know you are making a difference. At Lydia Project, even the smallest gifts brings change. We invite you to join our 70 families that are the core support of this ministry.


Rob Corley, Co-Founder


Thank You